Ask The Intern: Dorn’s Deal & General Cheuginess

I’m sure you’re wondering who in the hell I am and why I’m here. If you’ve found yourself here, you either decided to ask me questions about working at Washed or you really want to know what Dorn’s deal is. 

Lucky for you, I received all of your thought-provoking questions and answered them here for your enjoyment. Hopefully you’ll enjoy reading these as much as I enjoyed answering them.

I think it's only fair to start with my own question: Will I still have a job after this? I guess I’ll have to wait and see.

Does Dippy have nipples?

I would say no, but I’ll leave this one up to interpretation.

Will has been known to enjoy watching Manchester United. If you were to be given the choice: Suck it up and pretend to like his team or antagonize him and pick any other team that might actually give you happiness?

Definitely antagonize him. Not necessarily because of the teams, but selfishly for my own enjoyment.

Are you all aware that your bosses are Putin, a sock, and a cigar store Native American chief?

Imagine what was going through my head without any context of what the hell this meant. No, I was not aware at first. I am now fully aware, so thank you for that.

Who is the cheugiest?

I had a feeling that the guys didn’t know what “cheugy” meant so I decided to ask them in order to truly answer this question. 

  • Brett said “live, laugh, love.”

  • Dillon said it meant to be old and out of touch. He also called himself “pretty cheugy sometimes.” 

  • Will’s definition of cheugy is “like if a girl wore a blazer with a side part to a bar.”

I feel like all of these definitions would pass the test in their own way, but I think Dillon takes the cake. Is it actually cheugy to call yourself cheugy?

What's Dorn's Deal?

I’ve been asking the same thing. Honestly, I don’t know if we’ll ever know.

Name five (5) actives and their hometowns.

I feel like I’m about to go through rush all over again. I’ll name five actives and the hometowns that I think they would be from if I didn’t already know.

  • Will DeFries - I feel like North or South Carolina suits Will. Can’t fully explain why, but it just feels right. 

  • Dillon Cheverere - Dillon gives off California vibes, but not L.A. He’s more of a San Diego DisneyLand vibe. I could also imagine Florida birthing him. 

  • Dave Ruff - Could be from the Midwest or the South. I want to say Kansas, but I’m leaning more towards Kentucky or an undercover Illinois baby. 

  • Brett Merriman - Definitely a northerner, but not like a New York vibe. More of a Boston hockey vibe or, like, Canada??? 

  • Randy Trembacki - I feel like Randy would be from somewhere with cold weather, but not in the North. I think Wisconsin could have produced Randy.

How many mondo dumpies has Brett taken since you’ve been there?

I feel like I should be more hesitant to answer this question, but 10 give or take.

Realistically how many mondo’s is Brett taking per day?

Y’all are really interested in Brett’s mondo’s for whatever reason. I wish I knew the answer to this.

How many times do you notice Brett going to the bathroom to take mondos?

Okay. Okay. Okay. He has something we all wish we had… an admirably fast metabolism. I don’t normally take tabs on Brett’s mondo-dropping schedule, but maybe we can start a log.

Is there a separate ladies room so you can get away from Brett’s mondo dumps?

Not yet, but if everyone else has to experience it then I can manage. Maybe one of us can back into one of the parking spots with a porta-potty designated to Brett.

Author’s Note: We’re only halfway through and I have a feeling the answer to my initial question is headed in a bad direction.

Who’s the first one in the office in the morning and who’s the last one to leave?

Considering I come into the office midday, I can’t confidently answer this question. From what I’ve seen, I would say Brett or Will come in the earliest and leave the latest.

What was the hiring process like? Did they ask you any serious questions or did you just walk in & get hired?

I was studying abroad in Barcelona when I applied to work at Washed and honestly figured they would skim over my application and throw it to the side. I ended up getting an interview with them and started brainstorming what questions they might ask. Everyone knows the cliche interview questions:

  • What’s your biggest weakness?

  • Why do you want to work at Washed?

  • What experience do you have?

I said my biggest weakness was that I tend to think out loud which can cause problems (you get the point), and I was confident in my answer (feel free to use it if you need). I was told my answer was a really good one that they’ve never heard, but they “didn’t give a shit about what my weaknesses were. It was a trick question.”

I knew I wanted to work for them right then and there. I would say the interview went on like any other interview would. We talked about my favorite pizza places in Austin, where I had been traveling, if I felt comfortable throwing out banter, and, my favorite, the Dallas Stars. I never wanted to get off that call, and I guess I never really did. So, no, I did not literally walk in and get hired. Figuratively, I feel like I did.

Who has the most punchable face?

I think it’s telling that Will won the Twitter poll by a mile. Most of you are either scared of getting in a fight with the other guys or just simply want to punch Will in the face. I agree either way. Sorry, Will.

Do all the faces at Washed Media have the same personalities when they’re not podcasting?

I wondered the same thing when I came into the office. I can confidently say they 100% act the same, both on and offline. I guess you can decide for yourselves if that’s a good thing or not…

Are there any Ritz crackers left?

I haven’t seen any Ritz since I’ve started working here. Either I’m missing something or they’re all gone.

If you had to rank just everyday fits of the guys (and gals), who would you say has the best style? Also, did you ever think you’d be an intern at a small to midsize media company with hella engagement?

Oooh, I like this question because I think about this every morning when I’m getting ready. I wore flowy dress pants and a tank top on my first day, not knowing what the vibes were. I followed those days with other dress pants/top variations while the guys continued to wear shorts and t-shirts. I knew I was overdressing but, as the only girl, I had no one to compare my fits to. I feel like it’s hard to choose who has the best style when it comes to the guys because they all basically wear the same things in a different font: Shorts and a T-shirt. So, my decision on who has the best style will be based upon today’s fits. 

  • Brett is slightly dressed up today, wearing pants and a collared shirt.

  • Randy, Dillon and Dave are all wearing different variations of shorts and a shirt. Will is also in pants and a shirt, but decided on wearing open toed shoes today.

Besides me, I think Brett won today.

And no, I never thought I would be an intern at a small-to-midsize media company with hella engagement but I’m hella glad that I am.

Is Dave’s office snack game ACTUALLY good, or is it super mid?

Dave asked us all week for snack suggestions, but I didn’t want to say anything because I wanted to see what he would get without my opinions.  He went to the store the other day to re-up, and I must say he did a great job. The variety of snacks, from chips to yogurt to protein bars, received an 8/10 for me. The quality of snacks could use some improvement. Maybe we’ll see some changes after we talk about our favorite chips. I’ll keep you updated. 

Is your main duty to help Dillon get his drip up?

I can’t tell if my job would be easier or harder if my main duty was to help Dillon get his drip up, and I’m not sure if I want to know. 

Maybe if we end with a cute question I won’t be as nervous to walk into the office tomorrow…

What's your favorite part about working at Washed?

In the most non-cliche way, I love it all. From walking into the office and seeing the guys recording podcasts to all the seemingly important conversations about whatever comes to mind, there is truly never a dull moment.

Thanks for sending in your questions for me to answer. I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking about which of the guys is the cheugiest. Until next time.

Got a question for a future Intern mailbag? Drop it below.

Calli Rubin