The Mail-In
Your questions, answered. In an hour-long mailbag-style podcast, the hosts draw on their life experiences and personal stories to deliver prudent advice and guidance to listeners in situations from long-distance relationships to wedding etiquette to quitting cushy corporate jobs and starting anew.
Dillon, Sally, and Will discuss if it's trash to swap streaming logins in your 30s, kicking a groomsman out of your wedding for cheating on a bridesmaid, your mom stealing 10 grand from you, unpacking everything and putting it all away while on vacation, company Halloween costume contests, joining a fraternity, and splitting the cost of your dog with the new girlfriend.
Dillon, Sally, and Will discuss letting yourself go since you aren't attracting the opposite sex anyway, disagreeing with your SO on home decor, homemade nitro cold brew, which three beverages you're brining to a deserted island, the most overrated movies and TV shows, only choosing one method of cooking for the rest of your life, and working out on vacation.
Dillon, Sally, and Dave discuss groups throughout history with the best drip, how we check our personal problems at the studio door, dating the boss's daughter, what it's like trying to date when you're a Trump supporter, being given a 30-day "must improve or else" notice from your employer, dating someone who walks into traffic, and a guy who purposely removed his birthday from Facebook and still expects everyone to remember it.
Dillon, Brett, and Dave discuss our bodies deteriorating as we get older, which starter pair of boots to cop, our favorite grams we've ever posted, which douchey cars we'd drive, being stood up by your date, if it's trash to schedule two first dates on the same day, and the right length for a bachelor party.
Dillon, Sally, and Dave discuss rooming with someone with whom you've previously had sexual tension, what to do about your 180-person December wedding, go-to airport foods, how to move on with your life after a divorce, letting your wife read the squad group chat, and more.
Dillon, Sally, and Dave discuss our generation's parents becoming right wing conspiracy theorists, how to lift your significant other during a bout of low self-esteem, first date Covid protocol, two-day-old breakfast tacos, whether Dillon will get his son into podcasting, and more.
Micah joins Dillon and Dave to discuss which region has the best barbecue, modern day Freemasons, your girlfriend over-editing pics, female groomsmen, a sex/food hypothetical, the money protocol after bailing your friend out of jail, and when you're too old to have a sticker on your rear windshield.
Dillon, Dave, and Brett discuss your girlfriend going through your phone, hiring your girlfriend to clean your apartment, struggling with addiction, dating someone who lives with their ex, sneaking nudes of your wife, Dillon's past relationships, and a man of size being attracted to thin women.
Dillon, Sally, and Dave discuss your significant other suddenly becoming paranoid with their phone, matchmaking with listeners, Stan/Mute/Cancel reliving our favorite movie, series, and sports moment, post-relationship social media behavior, what percentage of your income to put into savings, attending a bachelor party as the sole groomswoman, and Dillon's family ranch.
Dillon, Sally, and Dave discuss starting a business with friends, what to do about body insecurities, the name Brantley, your significant other meeting your ex, starting a career in media, when/if to post a pic with your significant other on Instagram, and the best parts of trail mix.
Dillon, Sally, and Will discuss marrying someone 33 years older than you, how we spend rainy days, wearing revealing swimwear around your parents, trying to date without having an Instagram, puppy ownership etiquette and pet peeves, and a Covid wedding where the guests were uninformed of a recent outbreak.
Dillon, Sally, & Will discuss getting past the tough stage of raising a puppy, the obligation to follow our friends' dogs' Instagrams, upper lip hair on girls, splitting utilities, living in the burbs as a single lady, comparing yourself to your peers, and chewing with your mouth open.
Dillon, Sally, and Dave discuss picking meaningless fights with your significant other, someone going through your phone while you're sleeping, differing political views in a relationship, your mom wanting to choreograph the mother/son dance at your wedding, balancing work and personal life, and smoking cigars vs. cigs.
Dillon, Sally, and Dave discuss your upstairs neighbors constantly having loud sex, scumbags on Hinge, asking a girl to be friends with benefits after one date, Stan/Mute/Cancel: musician, chef, mechanic, dating a twin years after sleeping with her sister, favorite drinking games to play by a body of water, and your dog watching you have sex.
Dillon, Brett and Dave discuss taking group pics as a couple who are 6'11" and 6'4", where we'd own vacation houses, dealing with insensitive comments from older generations, competing in The Amazing Race, a boyfriend who doesn't flush, and our dream music festival headliners.
Dillon, Brett, and Will discuss wanting to hook up with other people while still being "in love" with someone, heating up coffee in the microwave, proposing without asking for her parents' blessing, acting like a shithead to make her break up with you, when to meet your boyfriend's daughter, and wedding flexing in front of your ex.
Dillon, Sally, and Will discuss the burbs vs. the city, the worst jobs we've ever had, hairy chests, wearing sweatsuits every day during quarantine, a fighter jet pilot looking for love, and the best day of our lives.
Dillon, Sally, and Will discuss getting blocked on social media after refusing to answer "how many people have you slept with?", Will not responding a listener's wedding invitation, getting shamed for wearing a mask in public, a graduating senior going through a tough time due to Covid, your girlfriend not seeing results in the gym, and a boyfriend that refuses to celebrate his girlfriend's birthday.
Dillon, Sally, and Will discuss your dog peeing in the neighbor's yard, how far in advance to have your bachelor party, what to do when your boyfriend's ex calls him constantly, hooking up with someone before their divorce is final, pools vs. lakes vs. beaches, inviting members of Washed Media to your wedding, and how to appear taller in photos.
Dillon and Dave are joined by Lauren Olaya, who may or may not be real, to discuss homemade sex tapes, Dorn's deal, breaking up with your girlfriend right after her cat dies, how to spend the day before an out-of-town wedding, a 21-year-old couple's marriage ultimatum, the genetics of your significant other's parents, and Lauren the TV star.
Dillon, Sally, and Will discuss a caller's wife who gets in bed soaking wet after a shower, the worst meals to order on a first date, what to do about gainz during the quarantine, a couple who is not postponing their May wedding, a sexual fantasy involving waffles from Waffle House, mermaids, and Bigfoot.
Dillon, Sally, and Will discuss earbuds vs. over-the-ear headphones, bad quarantine roommates, aliens, ghosts, a girlfriend with a gas problem, breaking the news of your tattoo to your traditional parents, fun ways to kill time during the quarantine, and our favorite TV show theme songs.
Dillon, Sally, and Will discuss graying hair, your date choosing and ordering your food for you, your roommate's girlfriend setting up your living room and kitchen as her temporary office during Covid lockdown, when it's time to start taking care of your skin, and more.
Sally is joined by Alyssa and Lily to discuss their quarantine diets, how to handle the cancellation of a planned bachelorette party, your friend who refuses to social distance, dealing with your husband's obsession with Call of Duty while stuck at home, quarantine birthdays, and taking your charcuterie game to the next level.
Dillon, Sally, and Will discuss breaking up during a quarantine, "accidentally" receiving a nude, the pros and cons of ghosting, a fiancée who emptied their shared apartment when he was at work, going by your initials as an adult, being furloughed, and the "hot girl" you work with leaving your company.
Dillon, Dave, and Brett discuss dating during a pandemic, names for Dillon's dog, how to re-plan a wedding you postponed due to the coronavirus, normalizing DM sliding, dating someone who doesn't believe in dinosaurs, a caller who claims he accidentally showed his piece to co-workers during a company-wide video chat, and general tips on getting through the self-quarantine.
Dillon, Sally, and Dave discuss leaving AirPods in during a haircut, the 30% of income rule for rent, a sad af guy who just got dumped, hooking up with your hairdresser, the proper etiquette when taking your dog to the bar, our Masters Champions Dinner menu, and a guy who lasts two to three minutes in bed.
Dillon, Sally, and Will discuss dating someone with the same name as your mom, our favorite kitchen/cooking gadgets, deciding on the name Washed Media, Dillon's divorce, dating someone with an awful last name, living the Apple Watch life, tips on slowing down your drinking habits, and dealing with people wanting to know about our personal lives.
Dillon, Brett, and Dave discuss showing off your revenge body on Instagram soon after a breakup, our favorite gambling games on the golf course, how to lower your standards after gaining weight, proposing at sporting events, making significantly more than the guy you're dating, having a quarter-life crisis, and what to do in the aftermath of making out with your boss.
Dillon, Brett, and Will discuss the groom's rehearsal dinner toast, if it's weird to donate sperm, when it's okay to get out the Christmas decorations, people around you not taking Covid seriously, sleeping on a two-person road trip, loaning money from your mother-in-law to buy a car, our favorite fall activities, and what we're dressing as on Halloween this year.